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Λος Άντζελες - ΒικιπαίδειαΤο Λος Άντζελες φιλοξένησε τους θερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες του 1932 και του 1984 και θα φιλοξενήσει την εκδήλωση, για τρίτη φορά, το 2028.
Los Angeles – WikipediaLos Angeles-området har vært bebodd av den amerikanske urbefolkningen i tusenvis av år, i hovedsak av Chumashfolket og Tongvafolket.
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Los Ángeles - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreLos Ángeles es una ciudad global con gran influencia en ámbitos tan diversos como los negocios, el comercio internacional, el entretenimiento, la cultura, los medios de comunicación, la moda, la ciencia, los deportes, la
Etobicoke - WikipediaThe British officials intended Etobicoke to be included in the Toronto Purchase of 1787. 3
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David Ogilvy (businessman) - WikipediaIn 1938, Ogilvy persuaded his agency to send him to the United States for a year, where he went to work for George Gallup's Audience Research Institute in New Jersey. Ogilvy cites Gallup as one of the major influences on
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